Our little girl finally grew out of the pack n’ play… now what do we do when traveling? This post reviews our EnerPlex portable toddler bed and how it did throughout our summer travels.

When traveling, we like to go as light as possible. Pack N’ Plays are heavy but great for wandering babies. What happens when they make the transition to a “Big” bed at home, then we go on vacation? I am still weary of her falling off normal beds because she rolls around so much in her sleep. Quick answer, an inflatable toddler bed.
Now, it’s not as compact as I would like, but it does the trick as far as beds go. It’s easy to set up and take down, compacts into a bag, has thick sides so she doesn’t slip out, and it super comfy for her. Winning!
Keep reading to learn more details about the EnerPlex Kids Bed and if it’s right for you.
EnerPlex Portable Toddler Bed
This is basically an inflatable bed with two inflatable pieces. The outside rim of the bed, and the mattress insert. I like that there are two pieces because we can put a mattress protector as well as basic crib sheets on them incase of any overnight accidents.

I also really like the thick material because you know kids are going to be rough on this bed. I have even gotten in it for a while to read her to sleep a few times! Since we started our vacation a few weeks ago, no leaks! And my brother liked it so much that he bough his toddler one.

The electric inflatable attachment is a little loud in use but fills up the bed with air quickly. It also comes with a car adaptor if you wanna take this guy camping. When we venture that way I’ll update this post.

As far as the bedding goes, we spent just about as much on bedding as we did the inflatable bed! Here is the set we bought together. Everything fit fine except I wish we would have gotten the bigger blanket. It feels a little small.
If you are looking for a good solution for a travel toddler bed, we have had great success with the EnerFlex portable toddler bed. Only takes 5-10 minutes to assemble, compact-able for a bed, and has worked well as much as we have travelled this summer.

Let us know what you think in the comments!
If you are worried about traveling with a toddler, check out some of our other reviews! Especially the car seat dolly review. Game changer.