We became parents in early 2020 and quickly realized, we have no idea what we are doing. We bought everything thinking we would be prepared, only to realize we didn’t use half the stuff we purchased, and we were still… very… unprepared.
Parenting Reviews is created by parent, for parents. Have you ever gotten some advice that was a game changer? We have! It seemed to part the clouds and have us screaming “Hallelujah!”
We would like to share those feelings with you.
We are defiantly not experts or have a PHD in… anything. BUT! We do love these little monsters and want to give them (and the parents) a helpful hand where we can.
Let’s meet the team!
Molly and Ben

Molly and Ben live in Texas and have a little girl named Blakely. We met in Austin Texas, and married in 2018. We decided to be ambitious and move all of our stuff into an RV and travel the country for 18 months. We got pregnant, and had Blakely in February of 2020. Ben works from home as an SEO specialist, and Molly is a stay at home momma.
David and Cristyann

David and Cristyann live in Washington and have 3 little boys. They met growing up in Arizona and married in 2010. They love traveling with their boys and including them in house projects. David is a nuclear engineer and Cristyann is a stay at home momma.
If you have any suggestions or products you would like us to try, please let us know!
~ The Parenting Reviews Team