Are you looking for your first “high chair” to start feeding your baby solid foods? This review will help you decide if the Bumbo seat with tray is right for you.
Short Answer – Yes!
This is a great introduction for your new born to start sitting upright, and giving them the space to explore new textures and tastes of food. This foam portable seat acts as a baby floor seat that can be used on the table or kitchen chairs.
What are Bumbo Infant Seats?
The Bumbo chair with tray is basically a sturdy foam mold where a baby can sit in an upright position with their legs sticking out. The tray is easily taken on and off for when you want them to just chill and observe their surroundings, or start exploring food.

Why we decided on Bumbo Baby Seats
A friend had a Bumbo-esque seat and we asked them how they liked it. They only had good things to say about it so we gave it a try. We like the high back and sturdiness of the mold. Our Childs legs easily fit through the leg spaces, and she loved being on the table apart of our conversation. We also liked the versatility of the tray for playing with toys or exploring new foods. It’s a pretty cute chair if you ask us!
Bumbo Seat With Tray Design

The basic model is wide base at the bottom so tipping isn’t an issue, and the back rest is high so our little ones can hold themselves sitting up. Looking at the waist strap, you wouldn’t think it has much use, but I expect there are some strong babies that try to lean out.
The leg slots are somewhat flexible if your baby has knee rolls that need some help getting in. Lastly, the removable snack tray can be taken on or off depending on the babies activity. It’s fairly easy but does require some effort.
Cons we can see
It’s bulky. We are all about collapsible and condensing but we couldn’t see away around without compromising safely and sturdiness.
Cleaning is a little annoying but at the same time, it could be worse (like having to scrub dried food out of fabric high chairs). The entire seat has an almost leather feel so a warm wash cloth and some elbow grease will take out most messes.
Lastly, it’s so comfortable, these kids just fall asleep 😀 that’s not really a con, but it’s sure cute.

We would recommend the Bumbo as a discovery seat, and make sure to get the tray! We feel safe placing it on the table for extended periods with our baby who can now enjoy meal time with us, rather than a rocker beside the table. Our girl didn’t ever try to escape or scoot herself around. If your child is doing that, then purchase the multi seat which has more grip on the bottom would be a better option.
Where to Buy
You can always check out there website but Amazon is a great place to start!
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